Cage the Elephant is one of the bands I do not listen to in my spare time but for some reasons I have already seen live three times. First, by accident, after work in Pure Groove surrounded by a sea of overexcited teenagers, waiting for the main, a bit ashamed to find out they were the main act. A young man jumping on the speakers, jumping in the crowd, girls painting his face neon orange and green. Needless to say, the two of us, after work, we felt old. Then I saw them in Scala, nearly crashed to death because the singer decided to jump into the crowd right above were I was standing where I had thought I was safe. Naive. Now we arrive at 22nd May in Koko, an early show preceded by horrendous Joy Formidable as annoying as can be. I did not expect much of Cage the Elephant but somehow, driven by my instincts, I was pushing my way towards the stage. Smartly, at the side. Smartly, the flying plastic glasses luckily spared me, and so did the craziness of the youth. But Cage the Elephant were a joy to see, the lead singer does have a stage persona proper, he is jumping jumping and jumping. You get tired merely watching him. As expected, he jumped into the crowd, this time from a speaker, at which point a guy standing before me turned to say that he had seen him jump in Scala and it was much higher and dangerous, we did not want to ruin the moment for him and just looked with disbelief. Had he known that we were in the eye of the storm that night! So much for the frolics on stage, let us, dearest readers, focus on the sound now. They sounded a lot better than last time, well rehearsed, still not my music, but I appreciated their efforts.
And so the night, seemingly, ended. I was ready to head home when, suddenly, Paulina decided to join me and we danced all night. We had to move to Proud Galleries where I caught a pickpocket red-handed and searched him, in vain, for my wallet, demanding the wallet to be returned ensuring that there was no cash in it. And the said pickpocket just looked at me saying 'I do not know what you are talking about'. Having searched him, I decided he had already given my wallet to an accomplice so it was gone forever, my cherished wallet. But a minute later the pickpocket came up to me holding my wallet so I said 'Thanks' and took it. It felt weird but I was grateful.
And so the night, seemingly, ended. I was ready to head home when, suddenly, Paulina decided to join me and we danced all night. We had to move to Proud Galleries where I caught a pickpocket red-handed and searched him, in vain, for my wallet, demanding the wallet to be returned ensuring that there was no cash in it. And the said pickpocket just looked at me saying 'I do not know what you are talking about'. Having searched him, I decided he had already given my wallet to an accomplice so it was gone forever, my cherished wallet. But a minute later the pickpocket came up to me holding my wallet so I said 'Thanks' and took it. It felt weird but I was grateful.
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