They are currently on tour, Crystal Antlers, so, certainly, Pure Groove on 19th May 2009 was a small venue for a band like of an upcoming profile, with a potential to become famous. And why famous my dearest readers might ask. Simply, catchy tunes, a bit of reggae, a bit of techno. The lead singer with an attitude and a man without a face with a talent. On top of that, they were quite funny and distanced to what they were doing. They still need a bit of Dutch courage before a gig, lovely to see. So armed with my elderflower green bottle treasure purchased beforehand and which is being consumed at present, before your eyes so to speak, not the bottle of course; I was enjoying and wishing all the best but was more than glad that it was just an instore gig and that I could get back home and revel in Gang Gang Dance. It will remain a mystery why the quality is so low as I was really close and my hand was not shaking. But perhaps Crystal Antlers were.
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