On 26th April, not at my most cheerful, having listened to Arthur Russel much too much, I was subjected to Yeah Yeah Yeahs experience in Shepherd's Bush Empire, yes the venue of my famous fainting. Safeguarding myself. Deceiving myself and you, dearest readers, that I could actually enjoy Yeah Yeah Yeahs had it not been for my painful memories, meditative mood, venue and what not. Courtesy of Arthur Russel. And looking into people's faces on the tube, staring at them relentlessly, seeing them puzzled and ashamed. But back to the creators of this guilty pleasure of mine, Maps. Ignoring the shamelessly kitschy stage design, with an eye/moon dominating the scenery, frantic audience jumping, spilling beer and being as enthusiastic as you can imagine, all I could see was void. Yes, you have heard it, void. Karen O with her Joker smile and well-reahearsed moves and lines seems to be devoid of any emotion. She can deliver, perfect voice, great on stage but it was all so insincere and artificial it hurt. Mass production of gigs, random fans, easy listening, yes, for me what they do is pretty much easy listening, which I define as 'oh, a good tune, I think I have heard it before'. So let us ignore all that. I wanted to see Karen O, raw, cutting to the bone and all I got was a tired performer, with a potential, as they say. Unconvinced, I left. Blame it on Arthur.
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