Rainy afternoon with Telefon Tel Aviv Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen filled with men and devotion or devotion of men in the evening. Failed to mention it was 16th June 2009. Honestly, I do not think the first row was deserved, myself being nothing like a fan, more a curious music explorer. Flattering myself. So, as previously mentioned, audience of masculinity with Grave with no Name and Banjo or Freakout to introduce the audience to the world of music, to prevent the primal scream of being exposed to the main act. As a rule. Yes, dearest readers, I still feel the idea of a supporting act is, to some extent, difficult to grasp. Although I realise it is inevitable. So Grave with No Name shall remain so, this is where ready-made music goes. Banjo or Freakout, quite a pleasurable act, give me drums and rhythm and I am biased, so, forgive me, but I enjoyed. Back to the main act, electronic - solid. Vocals straight from 'I have heard it before' shelf, which does not make them unwelcome, quite the contrary, they were greeted with awe. But somehow not missed in instrumental, oh irony, instrumental pieces. With Bruce Sprinsteen's cover Telefon Tel Aviv finished the gig, most probably hoping to be able to offer more, but electronic music is a moody queen, slave to pre-programming. Applause. Applause.

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